NCTC 14028肠沙门氏菌亚种
晓彤 / 2022-12-07 09:16:11



Bacteria Collection: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serotype Typhimurium

NCTC Number:NCTC 14028 
Current Name:Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serotype Typhimurium 
Original Strain Reference:CMH 22319 Leville 
Other Collection No:M494 
Type Strain:No 
Hazard Group (ACDP):2 
Release Restrictions:Terms & Conditions of Supply of Microbial Pathogens: Safety 
Conditions for growth on solid media:Nutrient Agar, 37C, O2, 24 hours 
Isolated From 分离源 :Unknown. Pre-1942. 
Bibliography:K. S. Baker et al The Murray collection of pre-antibiotic era Enterobacteriacae: a unique research resource. Genome Med. 2015; 7: 97 ; Professor EGD Murray, an appreciation 
Data:A part of the Murray Collection, a collection of pre-antibiotic era isolated dated 1917-1954. This strain has no known plasmid (As described in K.S. Baker et al 2015). Large variant of NCTC 14029. 
Other Typing Information:Sequence type: 19 
Accession Date:25/10/2017 
History:Accessioned into NCTC < Transferred to NCTC c.1980 < R.E.G. Murray < Everitt George Dunn Murray (1964) 
Authority:(ex Kauffmann and Edwards 1952) Le Minor and Popoff 1987 
Depositor:R. E. G. Murray 

Biosafety Responsibility:It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country




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